Contact Form:

If you own or manage a website and you are searching for a free Contact Form.

Your search is over because you are now in the right place.

We provide a free Contact Form which can be installed as part of your website by following the few simple steps below.


1.) Register your Access Name and Password into PrimeKeeper here.

2.) Copy and paste the code below into your website then replace YourAccessName with your Access Name and YourNotesTitle with "Suggestion Box", "Contact Us'' or any Title you wish. The background color (bgColor) is set to "FFFFDF" but you can set it to any color you like. The optionalFld is set to default value 0 but if you want to add more Optional Fields set optionalFld with the value as shown below:

0 - Default
1 - Phone
2 - Phone & Address
3 - Phone, Address & Company

3.) Login to PrimeKeeper account using your Access Name and Password to check and manage the messages sent to your account.